Hong Kong Economic Journal [信報]
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Item 126學者責港府誇大數字製造恐慌(1999-06-22) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Democracy; Immigrants; Racial Discrimination一百二十六名大學講師及研究生聯署譴責港府利用誇大統計數字製造恐慌、鼓吹歧視新移民,以及迫使立法會在一天內通過要求由人大常委會解釋︽基本法︾的動議,漠視學者及民意代表意見。有學者擔心有關手法將成為政府實行﹁強勢領導﹂的工具。Item 91直選成公民教育重要主題(1989-01-04) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Citizenship Education立法局將在九一年引入直選議席,香港公民的參政意識問題備受關注。行政立法兩局議員、公民教育委員會主席謝志偉昨天對本報記者表示,他個人認為未來二年公民教育的重要目標是推行九一直選,鼓勵市民參與。Item Basic understanding caughtin the crossfire of languages(1992-10-26) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Language in Education; Social AttitudesFOR a town renowned forits high-tech communi-cation gadgets, cross-culturalconversation in Hongkong isstill the hardest thing to do.Item 'Colonialism' blamed for tertiary troubles(1990-02-12) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Higher EducationCOLONIAL history and a result-ant slowness in expandingHongkong\'s higher education system have been blamed by alecturer in the University of Hong Kong\'s department of education ......Item Construction noise no help(1989-04-03) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Civil Rights; School EnvironmentYour correspondent "Understanding Citizen" of Tsim Sha Tsui seems to have misunderstood Mr Wilson Yu's letter "Please stop the noise", The Hong kong Standard on March 14, concerning the possible noise sources generated from construction sites which...Item Counsellors for all schools: lobby(1996-06-12) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; School Social WorkersA GROUP of social organisations yesterday strongly urgedthe government to implement a ratio of one social worker forevery 1,000 pupils in all secondary schools, not just schools with special needs.Item E-mail 與語文教學(1994-10-03) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Language Proficiency什麼是E-Mail?它即Electronic Mail,有中譯為電子郵遞。使用者可以用電腦通過全球性的電子網絡以打字形式即時將訊息傳遞予本地或海外,接收者只要開啟電腦便可即時閱讀此訊息並作出反應。E-Mail幾乎具備電話一般的方便和快捷。Item EMI的神話(1999-07-28) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; English (Second Language)今早﹝二十六﹞《明報》頭條,大字標題是〈老牌名校轉直資私校〉:副題則其一是「『母語』『派位』惹不滿」,另一是,「欲解脫教署掣肘」。看見這樣的新聞,我想到的是,名校而至於老牌,其所憑籍的,不外是「派位」的優質分配而已。這關係是十分微妙的......Item E-MAIL多面經驗(1994-10-04) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Language Proficiency從語文教學的角度來看,一個成功的E—Mail計劃,其實給予學生多面經驗,這些經驗促成學生更接近語文教學的目標。Item Horses for courses(1989-04-03) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Early Childhood Education; Educational PolicyI would like to comment on tike debates which centre on thedevelopment of local universities. There are numerous opinions in favour of the three-year and of the four-year degree courses.Item IT教育忌躁進(1998-07-14) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Educational Technology; Information Technology教統局的資訊科技教育諮詢文件,提出兩年之內動用26億元,為學校增添電腦和周邊設備、培訓教師等等。Item IT精神(1998-04-15) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Information Technology; Technology Education任何教育改革的推行要取得成效,都是要上下一心,發揮團隊協作精神,才能有美滿的效果。Item MBA之後又如何?(1996-04-25) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Business Education現在MBA課程已達泛濫程度,除了六間大學都有開辦,其他外國大學來港提供的遙距MBA課程亦不計其數Item MBA課程以客為本(1997-06-24) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Business Education上星期五敝事務所出席城大一個名為「行政人員培訓」的座談會,並為其主講一個環節。Item Microware與教育署簽訂合約為中學(1998-07-21) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Computer Uses in Education; Educational TechnologyMicroware Computer Systems與教育署簽訂合約,為超過四百所中學及特殊學校供應及裝置微型電腦系統。Item New face and test at language centre(1995-10-20) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; English (Second Language)THE British Council's English Language Centre in Hong Kong has a new and important certificate examination and a new academic directorItem Proctor制度(1996-05-17) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Educational Policy; Student Teachersproctor制度,外國中學頗盛行,香港也有不少學校已施行。外國中學,學生可選修科目,彈性較大。選做proctor,是享有學分的。Item Program to lure a \'flood of teachers\'(1992-12-30) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Teacher OrientationHUNDREDS of mainlandand Taiwanese-trainedteachers are expected to berecruited with the relaxationof the qualification require-ments from March.Item Sense and Sensibility(1996-05-25) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Education; Environment我們都是這樣長大的─在成長階段,要經歷、面對、應付不少公開考試,可謂身經百戰。Item Students find life tough says survey(1995-06-03) Hong Kong Economic Journal; 信報; Student ProblemsA third of junior secondary students have no confidence in their appearance and find life difficult, a survey says.