Hong Kong Standard [虎報]

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    Parents of disabled children fear program
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-12) Hong Kong Economic Times; 香港經濟日報; Early Childhood Education; Special Education
    Parents of mentally and physically handicapped children are set to stage another challenge against the government’s Enhanced Productivity Program (EPP). They are demanding an exemption from the program for special child-care centres and early education and training centres run by the Social welfare Department (SWD).
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    Secondary students feel parental pressure most
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-12) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Secondary School Students; Stress Management
    PRESSURE from parents over their children’s education is heaviest among students of lower forms in secondary schools, a survey has revealed.
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    Teachers complain of software problems
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-12) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Computer Software; Computer Uses in Education
    Teachers have complained about software for use in local schools, saying whatever software available did not suit local needs. The expressed their concern at the “IT in Education Software Competition 99”, which was organized by the Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union to promote the use of information technology in schools.
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    Doubts over credit system
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-14) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; College Credits; Universities
    This is a response to the remarks made on higher education in the booklet "Review of Education System: Framework for Education Reform" distributed by the Education Commission in September. We support the call for universities to adopt a credit system but are confused by the association of a genuine system with fully transferable credit units.
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    I'm no allowance cheat claims academic
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-14) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Professors
    A Polytechnic University associate professor used a property jointly owned by her mother-in-law and brother-in-law to apply for housing allowance and received more than $480,000 in two years, the District Court heard yesterday.
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    Turning youngsters into eager readers
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-14) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Chinese Language in Education; Reading Programs; Writing Improvement
    A WEB site encouraging primary and secondary students to read and write more will be launched next month. Organized by the Faculty of Education and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the site seeks to arouse student interest and improve their standards in writing and reading Chinese.
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    Education plan gets thumbs-up
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-15) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Academic Aptitude Test; Feeder Schools; Surveys
    MORE than 58 per cent of parents and teachers have welcomed the Education Commission proposal for a “one through-road’ for basic education, saying the Academic Aptitude Test had to go, according to a survey. But about one-third want the public exam for the allocation of secondary school places to stay in place.
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    Curbs to ensure 'school democracy'
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-22) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; School Administration; School Based Management
    EDUCATION chiefs have pledged to trim the power of schools to nominate members to their management committees. Bureau officials gave this promise yesterday in response to legislators’ criticism that the planned make-up of school management committees is open to abuse of power.
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    Jobs hope for school leavers
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-22) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Unemployment
    MORE places for advanced learning will be offered to young school leavers, of whom about one out of three is jobless, Secretary for Education and Manpower Joseph Wong Wing-ping said yesterday.
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    Speedy school vacancy data
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-22) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; School Places Allocation; Student Placement
    The Education Department ment is looking at ways to let secondary six candidates knows about vancancies the same day Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination results are announced next year. The department is considering releasing the information via the screen displays of some public telephones.
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    Universities to control admissions
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-25) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; China; College Admission; Educational Change
    Amid the ongoing radical reform in the mainland’s tertiary system aimed at granting schools greater autonomy, Beijing plans to let individual universities decide on the admission of students.
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    'Matching' plan to lift schooling
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-27) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Feeder Schools
    A School sponsoring body is considering matching up its primary schools with its secondary schools with the aim of achieving a nine-year “through-road” basic education system in some of its sponsoring schools within five years.
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    Teachers blast 'anti-reform' schools guide
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-09) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Publications; School Choice
    The Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union (PTU) has accused the Education Department of applying a “quality label” on schools by publishing a booklet telling parents how to choose schools for their children based on examination results.
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    Majority want exam to stay: survey
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-06) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Educational Change; Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination; Surveys
    Three out of four parents and students interviewed did not know the content of the Education Commission’s consultation papers on education reform, a survey has found. Among the 369 parents and secondary and primary students polled by the Kwan Tong Methodist Centre on education reform, 64 per cent thought the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) should stay.
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    Call for student unions
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-05) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Student Rights; Student Unions
    Student unions should be allowed so they could monitor the management of secondary schools, a concern group said yesterday. The Caritas Children and Youth group stressed that the rights of students were vital to education reforms.
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    HKUST aims to build on its strengths
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-03) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; College Programs; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is planning to further develop its current strengths in the next few years.
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    Change in JUPAS plan questioned
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-03) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; JUPAS
    The School Principal’s Nominations Scheme is being reviewed this year to give principals more time to consider their selections, but at the same time try and prevent students from changing their choice of programs.
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    PolyU mulls 'big picture'
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-12-02) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Admission Criteria; Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is considering how it can more objectively quantify students' non-academic performance and score them accordingly for admission next year.
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    Teen school grievances mount
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-11-14) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Stress Management; Youth Problems
    The Hong Kong Youths Association has received more than 3700 complaints from teenagers about the difficulties and pressures they faced in school during the past four months. The complainants were aged between six and 17, but 2200 of them were in the 9-14 age bracket.
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    Teachers 'bucking Putonghua'
    (The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library, 1999-11-14) Hong Kong Standard; 虎報; Chinese Language in Education; Putonghua
    Teachers have snubbed a plan for Chinese lessons to be conducted in Putonghua in primary and secondary schools, saying they are not proficient enough in the language. A survey carried out by the Chinese University of Hong Kong showed almost 90 per cent of the respondent teachers opposed the idea.